SWOT Analysis


Curriculum Integration

Ed Puzzle can be integrated into the curriculum for different purposes. In general, it assists with formative assessment. It would be an effective tool for flipping the classroom, and for asynchronous instruction.

Aligned UDL Principles and Guidelines

Ed Puzzle (EP) offers an alternative to face-to-face lecture, allowing for enhanced delivery. If used in a flipped classroom or for asynchronous delivery, it provides more opportunity for supplying background knowledge. The ability to ask questions at specific points of the lecture allows for highlighting patterns, relationships and important concepts. This also enhances transfer and generalization. In terms of the strategic principle, it stands out in its ability for formative assessment, enhancing the capacity for monitoring progress. It allows for audio response to questions, besides typing the answer. In the affective realm, it minimizes distraction by stopping whenever the learner switches to another tab. With the use of well-made videos, it maintains engagement because EP empowers the student to assess their understanding (by correctly answering the question) and to make the decision whether to proceed, with the knowledge that understanding the preceding section contributes to understanding the succeeding sections. This optimizes individual choice and autonomy, putting the onus of learning on the student by using self-assessment and introspection.