User interface
Annotated image (i.e. joint angles)
Annotated image (i.e. change in joint angle with movement)
Curriculum Integration
Kinovea can be integrated into the curriculum, specifically in Physical Therapist curriculum, by using it for information presentation, by both faculty and students. It is a better alternative to describing movement patterns and movement impairments. It can be used by students as creators when doing case study presentations, both in the classroom and in the clinic.
Aligned UDL Principles and Guidelines
Kinovea is a useful software for Physical Therapist education because it offers a unique way of customizing display of visual information. It supports clarification and decoding movement impairments through the use of media, beyond real-time patient observation. It has the ability of providing visual background knowledge as a springboard for discussing patients (case presentations), highlighting patterns, critical features and relationships, assist with information processing, visualization and manipulation, and maximize transfer and generalization. It uses visual media to communicate information about patient movement, and is a tool for construction and composition. It facilitates managing information for its effective use. Its use optimizes information relevance, value and authenticity. Students can use it to foster collaboration and community when they provide their own unique perspective on movement dysfunction when viewing each other's work and observation. Engaging with the software allows for sharing and communication of objective information, not just eye-witness account, optimizing motivation to engage in case management. It facilitates self-assessment and reflection because it enables students to look back at objective information.