User Interface


Curriculum Integration

Flipgrid can be integrated into the curriculum for content presentation, formative assessment, and student collaboration.

Aligned UDL Principles and Guidelines

Flipgrid (FG) is another way to customize the display of information, both visual and auditory. The creator can use it to illustrate concepts through different media. It can be used to activate or supply background knowledge, highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas and relationships, guide information processing, visualization and manipulation, and maximize transfer and generalization. Using FG allows the learner varying methods by which to respond to or navigate content, by using different media. It allows for communication using different media, makes available multiple tools for construction and composition, and, finally, depending on the content and its presentation, FG can build fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance. Its use facilitates managing information and resources and enhances the instructor's capacity for monitoring progress. In the affective domain, the ability to give learners the option as to which media to use optimizes individual choice and autonomy. It can be utilized to heighten salience of goals and objectives, vary demands and resources to optimize challenge, foster collaboration and community, and increase mastery-oriented feedback. FG can be used to develop self-assessment and reflection. All these optimize motivation.