User interface
Options for slide transition
Options for slide content animation
Recording options including the option to convert it into a movie file
Curriculum Integration
PowerPoint (PPT) can be integrated in the curriculum primarily as a means of presenting information. Novel uses of PPT for curriculum use include its utility in graphic design (vector art), for project planning, and video production (animation).
Aligned UDL Principles and Guidelines
PPT allows for customization in how information is displayed. It provides the opportunity to present the information visually and auditorily. It can be converted into a movie file. Because it can be consumed by a student independently (without teacher presence), it can be used to activate or supply background knowledge. As used in my artifact in Ed Puzzle, it can be used to highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas and relationships, maximize transfer and generalization, and guide information processing, visualization and manipulation. With the ability to consume a PPT presentation as written word or as a video file, it allows multiple media for communication. When embedded with formative questions (like in Ed Puzzle), it allows for building and monitoring fluencies with graduated levels of support for practice and performance, and enhances capacity for monitoring progress. In the affective domain, PPT allows for optimization of individual choice and autonomy. Again, when embedded with formative questions, it can heighten salience of goals and objectives. Using it in different media forms varies demands and resources for its consumption to optimize challenge. It can be used to foster collaboration and community and to increase mastery-oriented feedback. With its novel uses, it can optimize motivation. When embedded with questions, it can help develop self-assessment and reflection.