UNIT 1 LESSON 1: Case Management of the Patient with Parkinson's Disease - Patient in a Skilled Nursing Facility after Hospitalization due to a Urinary Tract Infection (click on button below)
Lesson Objectives (aligned with program goals, unit goals and consistent with core ideas and cross-cutting concepts):
By the end of this Lesson, the student will be able to:
Identify the most appropriate tests and measures based on intent of measure and the measure’s cost effectiveness, time to complete, setting being performed etc. for clients with Parkinson's Disease.
Classify movement system and/or physical therapy diagnoses for individuals with Parkinson's Disease utilizing appropriate assessments and determine prognosis for physical therapy across ICF domains.
Apply movement and task analysis examination techniques (ICF Activity) to guide appropriate selection of tests and measures to examine impairments (ICF Body Function and Structure) of an individual with Parkinson's Disease.
Predict impairments and movement system dysfunctions of an individual with a neurological condition or injury based on task analysis, knowledge of neuroanatomy and physiology, structures involved, and disease process present.
Differentiate the most appropriate remediation, compensatory, and/or preventative interventions for an individual with Parkinson's Disease based on examination findings at all levels of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
Demonstrate ability to determine appropriate need of referral to and/or additional examinations by other health care professionals.
Demonstrate professional and appropriate communication with healthcare team, including demonstration of appropriate delegation to Physical Therapist Assistants.
Appraise recent and relevant literature and discuss how findings can be incorporated into evidence-based physical therapy practice as it relates to individuals with Parkinson's Disease.
Demonstrate ability to write appropriate goals that prioritize problems identified, explicitly connect ICF body structure and body function (impairments) to ICF activities and participation (function), patient/client centered, measureable and include the following components (A)udience (B)ehavior, (C)ondition, (D)egree, (E)xpected time frame.
Discuss appropriate use of maintenance and health, promotion and wellness in physical therapy practice for individuals with Parkinson's Disease.