Initial user interface

Basic test statistics

Ability to specify response type and time/date restriction

Google Forms SWOT Analysis


Curriculum Integration

Google forms (GF) can be integrated in the curriculum for formative and summative assessment. One of the "enrichment" activities used by the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology at UF is having students write "exam questions." GF could have been used for that, with the added ability to embed it with an image or a video. It can be used for a flipped classroom or asynchronous course delivery, with the caveat that the video has to be opened in another tab as a video, and not embedded in GF. The user is unable to watch the video in full screen when it is viewed within Google Forms.

Aligned UDL Principles and Guidelines

Google Forms (GF) offers a novel way of presenting information, if embedded with a video or an image. To a lesser degree compared to Ed Puzzle, GF allows for supplying background knowledge, guiding information processing and facilitating transfer and generalization. It does this to a lesser degree because it cannot be viewed in full screen when embedded in GF and an extra step (pausing the video) has to be performed by the user to engage with questions while viewing. In the context of the strategic principle, GF enables the use of media for presenting information and for formative assessment, without the need to describe and explain movement (i.e. physical therapy assessment and intervention). The ability to use multiple types of media for formative assessment increases opportunities for guiding appropriate goal setting, with the enhanced capacity to monitor progress. In the affective domain, the ability to use different media for formative assessment can enhance motivation and engagement.