Physical Therapy Gym
To add a dimension of realism to the clinical decision-making (CDM) process, the student can be instructed to pretend being a physical therapist working in a Skilled Nursing Facility. They could be provided images / videos of the setting where they work. The resources in the images can influence the student's selected test and measures and interventions.
2. The sample online materials are specific to Lesson 1: Case Management of a Patient with Parkinson's Disease.
Assessment: A rubric will be used to assess the student's work-products. Specific rubrics can be designed using the Understanding by Design Rubric as a template (for modification). In addition to the UbD template, SCOPe (Self, Content, Others, Platform) provides a framework by which to systematically assess asynchronous interactions / student online posts. Needing modifications depending on assessment needs, both of these resources are useful "templates" for creating rubrics for specific online and F2F learning activities. Specific rubrics can be constructed for:
evidence / journal article infographic / annotated bibliography / video or audio recording created individually by students
individual reflection on the small group F2F CDM session
exercise prescription (i.e. 3 exercises) individually posted by students together with their group's Initial Examination form
critique of other groups' Initial Examination forms
oral report / completed Initial Examination forms